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My New Blogger Template

Finally my blogger template was finished. This template is compilation between HarvestField1-0 and TypoXP. HarvestField1-0 was designed by styleshout and TypoXp was designed by Sunaryo Hadi. Basicly this template is HarvestField and then i modify this templete for its coloum and icons like TypoXP because i like style of TypoXp but i don't like it's background and it's header, thats why i change its background and header. In this template i add recent post and recent comment widget from javascript created by beautiful beta. So thanks to styleshout, sunaryo hadi, and beatifulbeta for helping me to create my new template.

How to stop resizing Firefox windows

There is nothing more annoying than pages that resize your Firefox Window.
Luckily, you can fix it within seconds.

Here is how to prevent sites from resizing your Firefox window:
  1. Go to: Tools -> Options -> Content
  2. Click Advanced button
  3. Uncheck the box “Move or resize existing windows”
You can also do it hard way.
  1. In the address bar type about:config and hit Enter.
  2. Do a search for resize and pick dom.disable_window_move_resize. Right click that and choose Modify.
  3. In the box that pops up, type true and hit OK.
Basically it does the same thing :)


The Firefox Story

Source: Sam Whiting, San Francisco Chronicle

Ben Goodger didn’t invent Firefox. Nobody did. But he was the lead engineer for the alternative Web browser and as responsible as anyone for naming it. Goodger, 27, is a short-sleeved software engineer at Google in Mountain View, with a 1960s ranch house in Los Altos Hills.

THE LIGHTBULB: Firefox was the result of several people coming together and saying, “We have this great platform and we really want to make the most of it and the only thing that’s not decided yet is will we work together as a team and make this happen.” That was the start. I was in New Zealand doing my school work, and working as a volunteer.

I didn’t have Internet access at home because it was expensive and we didn’t have a lot of money. I lived with my mother, who works as an accountant. I would occasionally be able to get Internet access at her work. I was around 17 when I thought, “Maybe I’ll try building a Web site.” It seemed like it wasn’t too difficult. I could just read stuff. I would build it at home and then go into work with her when she had to work late and I would sit there at a computer and upload it.

When I was a second-year student in the engineering department at the University of Auckland, I discovered the Mozilla Project. It is the organization whose goal is to foster the open-source development of what at that time was the Netscape code. I had a Web site that I maintained myself. I switched from one hobby to the next and was volunteering in my spare time, contributing some of my ideas to the Mozilla code.

Several of the engineers at Netscape noticed my work and out of the blue comes an e-mail from someone who works at this big Silicon Valley company, saying, “Would you like a job?” I was quite stunned. I was 19 at the time. I came up here to work for a few months and extended it to a year. I went back to New Zealand and finished up my degree so I could qualify for an H1-B visa. I was here for two or three months and then promptly laid off by Netscape, along with most of the browser folk.

The Firefox icon is a picture of the world with a fox with a flaming tail wrapped around it. That’s what people see on their desktops. Firefox traces its roots back to the Netscape Navigator, which became incredibly popular because it was distributed free to anyone with an Internet connection. Then Microsoft introduced Internet Explorer and began shipping it with Windows. That’s been the default experience for Web browsing for most people since.

Firefox is designed from the point of view that it tends to want to keep harmful content out. Firefox gives you an incredibly customizable foundation that you can build an interesting browser on. If you hate pop-ups, you can block pop-ups. Basically you can customize the browser in all these interesting ways. You can change the look of it entirely. It doesn’t cost you anything. In terms of market share, Firefox ranges between 10 and 15 percent of the U.S. market, to much higher percentages among tech people.

It was a joke for a while that Firefox would change its name every three months. It turns out to be an incredibly difficult task to find a name that isn’t trademarked by somebody. We spent about a month just sitting there. A good friend of mine was going through the dictionary, being facetious. He said firecatch, firefox. I said, “Wait, that sounds good.” He said, “I was just kidding.”

My web page is called Millennium. I don’t know why. You can punch it up at That will get my blog, which is just a collection of random thoughts. My fiancee and I just bought a house, so there are some pictures of that. I put it there as my new 20 percent project because it needs a bit of work.

5 Tips For Google Adsense

Hello my friends !!!
If you have google adsense ads and didn't get anything from this program, you can try 5 tips to optimize your google adsense.
  1. Ads at the top of the page and on the left of the page perfom better than any other ads. (Take a look at the "heatmap" from the Google link below)
  2. Ads without background colour and borders perfom better than ads within borders with background colour.
  3. Ads within content pages perform better than any other ads.
  4. A search box on every page gives you another chance for earning Adsense income.
  5. A blue link at the top of the ad, the ad in black, and the url also in black so that it blends in with the ad copy - also tends to perform well. A black url makes the link stand out and gives you a better chance of someone clicking on it.

And i give you list of alternative programmes beside Google Adsense that offer much money $$ for showing ads on your site:

Proxy Server (Squid) - 2

ICP (Internet Cache Protocol)
ICP merupakan kependekan dari Internet Cache Protocol, yaitu merupakan protocol yang digunakan untuk mengkoordinasikan antara dua web cache atau lebih agar dapat bekerjasama dan berkomunikasi. Tujuan web-cache bekerja sama ini adalah supaya dapat mencari letak yang tepat untuk menerima objek yang direquest. Protokol ini tidak reliable namun memiliki time out yang sangat pendek sehingga cocok untuk web-cache. Protokol ini tidak cocok untuk delivery – UDP adalah protokol yang lebih umum digunakan untuk delivery protocol.

Access Control List
Access Control List (ACL) adalah daftar rule yang menyatakan pembagian previleges, untuk mencegah orang yang tidak memiliki hak akses menggunakan infrastruktur cache. ACL adalah konfigurasi yang paling penting dalam sebuah web-cache. Dalam Squid, ACL digunakan untuk mendefinisikan rule yang diterapkan dalam web-cache tersebut.
Squid mendukung tipe-tipe ACL seperti di bawah ini:
  • Network, subnet, baik tujuan maupun asal
  • Waktu, dalam hal ini adalah hari dan jam (bisa merupakan selang waktu)
  • Alamat website yang terangkum dalam regular expression (regex)
  • Port yang dituju, bisa merupakan daftar port atau selang port sekian hingga sekian
  • Protokol, misalnya HTTP, FTP, SNMP, dsb
  • Method form HTML, yaitu POST dan GET
  • Daftar browser yang digunakan client yang terangkum dalam regular expression (regex)
  • User Name
  • Nomor kode negara, baik yang dituju maupun negara asal
  • Autentikasi user name
  • SNMP agent
  • Maksimal koneksi untuk setiap IP address
  • Maksimal jumlah IP address yang diperbolehkan untuk user name yang sama
  • MIME yang direquest yang terangkum dalam regular expression
  • Header dari request yang terangkum dalam regular expression
Squid akan memeriksa setiap request yang datang dengan ACL yang ada pada konfigurasi dan mencocokannya dengan aturan yang ada. Pencocokan ini bisa berakibat diizinkan atau ditolaknya suatu koneksi dari user, pemberian bandwidth yang sesuai dengan aturan, dan sebagainya.

Delay Pool
Delay Pool adalah suatu cara untuk menurunkan kecepatan akses untuk suatu alamat website dari ACL tertentu. Squid tidak hanya mendukung delay pool hanya untuk subnet saja, namun untuk semua ACL yang telah dibahas di atas. Dalam squid, Delay Pool dispesifikasi dalam beberapa konfigurasi, yaitu:
  • Delay Pool menspesifikasi berapa jumlah pool atau kelompok bandwidth yang akan digunakan dalam squid.
  • Delay Class menspesifikasi masing-masing kelompok pool untuk masuk dalam class apa. Dalam squid ada beberapa class yang memiliki fungsi yang berbeda-beda, yaitu class 1, class 2, dan class 3. Class-class ini dispesifikasi berdasarkan IP address dari ACL.
  • Delay parameter menspesifikasi berapa jumlah transfer rate atau lebih sering disebut bandwidth untuk suatu pool. Bandwidth dispesifikasi dalam transfer rate rata-rata dan transfer rate maksimum yang dapat dicapai suatu pool.
  • Delay Access adalah parameter untuk memasukkan suatu ACL ke pool tertentu. Di sini juga disebutkan apakah ACL diterima atau ditolak untuk masuk ke pool tersebut.

Autentikasi pada Squid
Squid mendukung beberapa cara untuk autentikasi, yaitu basic, digest, dan NTLM. Cara basic paling sering digunakan karena hampir semua browser mendukung autentikasi ini, meskipun dari segi keamanan kurang dapat dijamin keamanannya. NTLM adalah kependekan dari NT Lan Manager, autentikasi yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft yang digunakan oleh produk-produk Microsoft, dan akhirnya digunakan banyak software lain sebagai standar autentikasi, seperti misalnya Mozilla dan Apache WebServer. Sebenarnya tidak hanya NTLM saja yang didukung squid untuk melakukan autentikasi user. Program kita juga bisa digunakan sebagai media autentikasi karena parameter di file konfigurasi Squid sangat liberal. Pada prinsipnya program yang digunakan bisa menerima input dari realm browser dan mencek dengan passwordnya dan mereturn sebuah value: OK atau ERR. Squid akan membaca kedua return value tersebut. Oleh karena itu kita dapat membuat program untuk autentikasi Squid, misalnya autentikasi IMAP, sehingga yang digunakan adalah user dan password di mail server.

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